Best Breathing Exercises You Should Try When You Feel Anxious
If you are starting to feel breathless due to anxiety, there are better techniques you may try to alleviate symptoms and begin to feel better.
This blog will look at different things you can do at any point during your day or build into longer moments for yourself. However, if you are on medications and looking for a discount, look for the best prescription discount card.
Lengthen exhale
If you inhale deeply, it may not always calm you down. It would be best if you took a deep breath which you can link to the sympathetic nervous system that can control the fight-or-flight response. However, one thing to remember is that exhaling is connected to the parasympathetic nervous system, which influences your body’s ability to calm down and relax.
If you take too many deep breaths too quickly, it may result in you hyperventilating. Hyperventilation tends to decrease the amount of oxygen-rich blood that flows to your brain.
When we feel stressed or anxious, it is easy to breathe too much or end up hyperventilating even if we try to do the opposite.
Abdomen breathing
Breathing from your diaphragm may help reduce the amount of work your body needs to do to minimize breathing.
For this breathing to become automatic, it takes time, and you’ll need thorough practice. You can start doing it three or four times daily for up to ten minutes. You may feel tired if you haven’t been using the diaphragm to breathe. However, breathing gets easier as you practice more.
Breath focus
When you breathe deeply slow and focused, it may help reduce anxiety levels. You can do this technique by lying down or sitting in a quiet, comfortable location. You can also practice this technique for up to 20 minutes daily.
Equal breathing
Another form of breathing that stems from the ancient yoga practice (pranayama) is equal breathing. It means that you are inhaling for the same time as you exhale.
You can also practice equal breathing from a lying-down or sitting position. Make sure that whichever position you choose, be sure to get comfortable.
You can try other breathing exercises to help you feel less anxious. In this blog, we have discussed the top few of them. If you are experiencing panic or anxiety attacks, try using one or more breathing techniques. Then, you can check if they can alleviate your symptoms.
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